Thread Reply Count on NONvb page
Hey all,
I have searched and searched these forums for a solution to no avail. Hopefully someone can help me. I don't think it is a hard mod and I feel like I'm close because I know PHP to a small extent.
I just want to post the reply count of a desingated thread. For instance, I would have a news story on my front page and then have a simple phrase at the bottom that would link the user to that news article (thread xxxx) on the forums and then also show a reply count. So is there an easy way to do this? something like this:
$replycount = "SELECT replycount FROM thread WHERE threadid = 715925";
Obviously, I know the above statement is wrong, but it gives a better clarification on what I need. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
(I'm running VB 3.0.7)