very nice hack, really. I love this one.
functionally wonderful.
just very minor note on wordings:
in the installation.txt, you may want to change the ending
Go back to your admin cp, refresh it, and go to vBChat -> vBChat Options, set up the configuration to your own liking.
|/\ MRCT v1.0 Is Now Installed On Your Forum - Enjoy! /\|
In AdminCP, where the description says
Select Which Style To Revert Template(s) From
you may want to state something like after selecting the style, you will be lead to select templates which need to be reversed, or some "new" user might be thinking that all templates (mass) in the selected style will be reversed.
in the second step:
Select Which Template(s) To Revert
You should also display style names somewhere, maybe on top, so that people will know for sure they are removing templates in which style
Same for third step, need this style name too.
you may also want to add "Back" button, or "Cancel" if someone doesnt want to confirm, {s}he can go back to the first step