Originally Posted by why-not
but when you are replying to many different people it does nothing more than confuse people!
YARRRRRGH! Do you have ANY idea of how ****ING annoying it is to have to scroll through endless amounts of posts because the coder doesn't know how to use the Quote function!?
If the coder is too stupid to either use the Quote function or to write out the nickname of the person whos question is being answered, then please let me know and I will uninstall their hacks RIGHT THE **** NOW.
Originally Posted by Regs
I check this site quite regularly, and I can't recall very many coders/users complaining about the amount of bumping going on. I can't say the same about auto-merged posts. And that's all I'm trying to say here.
See the above point. This hack has smoked all the dumb people out, and they are now complaining because they don't (and possibly can't) understand the above point. Before this hack was enabled, the aforementioned people were allowed to drive the sensible ones of us insane by making us guess who they were replying to, but we kept our mouths shut because we know that the administration knows whats best for our community. They will add neccesary things if they are just that, and not because people make invalid claims and/or just whines senselessly.
Originally Posted by Regs
vB is a communication tool and this auto-merge implementation inhibits the normal flow information.
I would like to state that this line implies that your definition of "normal flow of information" means "doubleposting to add lines to a post, because the coder/poster is too stupid to use the Edit function, and the readers don't know what the 'Last edited by:' line means".
And after clearing up this definition, I would like to say "thank God for the inhibiting of normal flow of information!".
My other post, different points made.
As a final statement, I would like to say that if this doublepost prevention hack is taken off, I will lose all faith in the administration's capability of maintaining a sensible and healthy community for reasons stated in this and the linked posts.