The double post feature is not helpful!
Neither is your complaining.
Reading about how people invent new ways of complaining about this is hilarious reading.
Originally Posted by Regs
Doesn't this auto-merged thing actually inhibit the normal sense of information acquisition?
No it doesn't. If your reply was within 24 hours of a previous review, the amount of people having read it and found it too worthless to comment on is small enough for it to be justified not being able to write a new post just adding minor pieces of information.
If your new reply is so major that it would actually justify a new post, then it deserves its own thread.
If your thread is so popular and your topic is so damn cool that you just HAVE to keep people up to date with what you are doing now in relation to 5 minutes ago, there is BOUND to be someone replying. If not, read point #1.
Originally Posted by Regs
When 'conversing' with someone, this hack requires RE-READING material to make sure you haven't missed something.
If you are bored enough to not be able to wait 24 hours to check for updates, just constantly keep refreshing the thread page and look at the edit line.
Oh, and BTW: You are saying that the Edit Post function should be removed, because its feature FORCES people to re-read the entire post. Some important wording may have been rephrased, and to be 100% sure, you HAVE to re-read it. See how much sense that's making?
Originally Posted by Regs
It's not helpful and has caused the search function to break here on vb.org.
Prove it.
Originally Posted by Regs
Who benefits from that?
Everyone who can't be assed to scroll 15 lines extra just to see ONE single more line that SHOULD have been edited into the previous post, but the poster is too much of a goddamn n00b to use the Edit function.
Originally Posted by JohnBee
I think the hack in question under its current state is causing more problems for
otherwise better members than the troublesome ones you speak of.
I hope this does not turn into another example of functionality loss as a result
of other peoples abuses. As I see it the forum functionality has gone from good to
sub standard since this hack was activated.
Give examples, reasons, valid points. Because all I see now is a guy who's sad about losing the ability to annoy people with multiple posting in a row.
My NOK 0.02. If this sounded harsh or something, then it's because it's SOO annoying to see people make groundless accusations, whine and whine over something that gives more benefits than it does damage.