Originally Posted by Lynne
Where is "$noiconurl" defined? I'm just wondering because mine won't 'unfilter' and since I don't see that defined, I'm thinking that may be the culprit.
My good sir, you have found a bug, and a BIG one at that. It's missing. Here's the missing part. I'll add it to the first post obviously.
In forumdisplay.php, find:
PHP Code:
$sorturl = "forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forumid&daysprune=$daysprune";
And add immediately after it:
PHP Code:
//Post icon filter hack
if ($pqr) {
$noiconurl = $sorturl;
$sorturl .= "&picon=$picon";
//*post icon filter hack
Thanks for pointing it out. Sorry I missed that part.