Thanks for posting that. That is EXACTLY how mine appears.lol Everything is working on my site, except the usergroup permissions. I see them listed, I have made changes, and I have updated those usergroups. The problem is, my settings are not staying. Once I tell it to save them, they revert back to how they were.
This is crazy. lol What could be causing them to not be saved? They are in the usergroup manager, and I have done everything as outlined. Everything appears to work fine, but I can't change the user permissions and have them stay!
If anyone else runs into this problem, and you have cpanel, use the "repair" feature beside the database that houses your forums. I ran both the "repair" feature as well as the maintenance via the forums ACP, and that corrected the settings not staying. They now appear to be working. Thanks everyone.
//Rich Clicked install.