IS this what you are looking for
// field names for general permissions
$_BITFIELD['usergroup']['genericpermissions'] = array(
'canviewmembers' => 1,
'canmodifyprofile' => 2,
'caninvisible' => 4,
'canviewothersusernotes' => 8,
'canmanageownusernotes' => 16,
'canseehidden' => 32,
'canbeusernoted' => 64,
'canprofilepic' => 128,
'canseeraters' => 256, // Permission removed in 3.0.2 ## Maintain backwards compatibility with 3.0.0 and 3.0.1
'canuseavatar' => 512,
'canusesignature' => 1024,
'canusecustomtitle' => 2048,
'canseeprofilepic' => 4096,
'canviewownusernotes' => 8192,
'canmanageothersusernotes' => 16384,
'canpostownusernotes' => 32768,
'canpostothersusernotes' => 65536,
'caneditownusernotes' => 131072,
'canseehiddencustomfields' => 262144,
// Reputation
'canseeownrep' => 256,
'canuserep' => 524288,
'canhiderep' => 1048576,
'cannegativerep' => 2097152,
'canseeothersrep' => 4194304,
'canhaverepleft' => 8388608,
'canhaveguestbook' => 16777216,
'canhavewebpage' => 33554432,
'canviewwebpage' => 67108864,
'canviewguestbook' => 134217728,
'canpostguestbook' => 268435456,