Originally Posted by wcbryant
Recently I discovered that only ops, halfops and voiced users were showing up on the "Who's Online" area.
So if there were 7 people chatting, two were ops, one was voiced, and the rest were regular users, it would look like this;
@Op-1, @Op2, +Voiced1, , , ,
I've looked over everything, and can't figure out what's gone wrong. It used to work fine, and I can only assume that maybe another hack is somehow interfering with $users/$user, but I don't know where or how.
Any thoughts? It's driving me nuts.
I didn't notice a reply to this (my apologies if I missed it) and I'm not sure if people are still having this problem, but this is what I did:
You want to take a look at your vbulletin index file and the section of code that velocd told you to add. He has it setup to look at four different items: ops, half-ops, voiced and users. However, in the admincp, there isn't a place to indicate a style for half-ops. So, as the code in index.php tried to apply a style to each set of users, it has nothing to apply to the regular users (which is the last group in his setup).
Your options:
A) manually adjust the entry in your database to account for all 4 groups
B) remove all reference to half-ops in your vbulletin/index.php file and renumber the 2 lower groups (voiced = $nick_style[1], users = $nick_style[2])