I posted this error yesterday
PHP Code:
Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /includes/init.php on line 823
Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /includes/init.php on line 823
Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /includes/init.php on line 823
Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /includes/init.php on line 823
Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /includes/init.php on line 823
Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /includes/init.php on line 823
Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /includes/init.php on line 823
Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /includes/init.php on line 823
Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /includes/init.php on line 823
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/talkandm/public_html/includes/init.php
Line: 27
I informed my host of the zend optimizer issue. He is now telling me that the server is totally up to spech and he doesn't know where the issue lies.....
Does anyone know what I have to do now??? Do I have to reinstall or should I just switch servers?????