Somehow, these 2 lines are overwrite the enable setting:
PHP Code:
$DB_site->query("UPDATE setting SET settinggroupid=31,title='Resolve IPs',varname='WOLresolve',value='0',description='Resolve IP addresses for those who have access to view them? This can slow down the Display of Who\'s Online.',optioncode='yesno',displayorder='9' WHERE settingid='169'");
$DB_site->query("UPDATE setting SET settinggroupid=31,title='Refresh',varname='WOLrefresh',value='60',description='Time period in seconds to refresh the Who\'s Online display. 0 disables refresh.',optioncode='',displayorder='10' WHERE settingid='170'");
To fix it, go to
Scroll down to the Who's Online category and click [add setting]
Fill in the fields as follows:
Title: Enable Who's Online?
Variable Name: WOLenable
Value: 1
Code to generate option: yesno
Display Order: 1