Originally Posted by SEO Report
Spam is becoming really annoying in my case, and while the kill file helps a lot, it isn't sufficient due the crazy number of rubbish posted msg
How about adding regular expression support to the killfile routine? (might not be an easy task, I don't know...). I'm not a php programmer, but after looking at the killfile_match() function, I figured that one can strip title and body text and test them against a configurable list of reg expressions, we would have a great antispam filter!
Perhaps something like :
PHP Code:
foreach ($RegExpSetting AS $eachRegExp)
preg_match_all ($eachRegExp, $eachRegExp, $killfile_array);
What do you think?
That could cause a support nightmare. We have already had quite a few posts regarding how to use the existing simple killfile format.
I have allowed custom settings to be created via the Admin interface, so a killfile with Regular Expression can be entered through Admin interface. You can then add custom functions to the scripts...