Originally Posted by Rein Masamuri
You can't signup without a code. You need a referer to get the code. Zajako was giving you guys a said code, and he gets credit for it.
I stumbled upon this myself and I couldn't find a code for a while.
deathemperor, you cannot sign up without the code, so it kind of defeats the purpose to take it out. Try clearing your cookies and try it again, it'll still ask for a code.
This community has gotten so hostile, it's no wonder I dont' come here any more. It's become an ego-stroking jerk-fest for "Elite Coders":tired: .
Feel free to PM the referral link to each other. But we do not allow referral links on this site as per our anti-spam/ advertising rules.

We apologize if you feel that this causes "fighting" because that's not the intention at all. You all run your own forums so I'm sure you understand. Any issues feel free to PM me.