Originally Posted by spence2
Why ask for site feedback when the most anyone ever gets as a response is a defense of the status quo?
Respecfully, Erwin, do you not feel the present system could be improved?
I wasn't being defensive, I was just stating the obvious.
The issue is whether we need a whole new forum for this or not.
A few things:
1. Anyone can contribute to a hack by posting improvements or bug fixes directly into the hack support thread itself. No need to get permission for this.
2. Anyone can contact a hack author to ask to actually release a new version of the the hack that is substantially improved. Usually this is done via a PM. If that doesn't work, you can email the author using the email form.
3. If you get no reply from the hack author, then you cannot go ahead and re-use the hack authors code to make a new hack out of it.
If a hack author has left vB.org, having a new forum does not necessarily make any difference - if he or she is not reading a PM, why would a new forum be any different?
Possible solutions:
1. Have a checkbox when you submit a hack to say "Yes I allow this hack to be taken over by another hacker" or "No I will not allow anyone else to develop this hack".
The problem with this is that initially not many would choose to say "Yes".
2. A hack author, when he or she feels there is no longer an urge to continue developing a hack, can post in his or her hack support thread and just announce that the hack may be taken over.
I don't see why option 2 is not used more often.
I guess what I am trying to say is that a whole new forum may not be required.