Originally Posted by Viks
Hi, I am posting my questions again.. hope I get some help this time around..SmasherMaster.
1. Members with avatars cannot see their avatar in CMPS homepage.
2. I would like to moify the navbar template for NON-REGISTERED members
I want to have 3 <TD> tags... 1 for image, 1 for login boxes and 1 for my custom message. (no "forum stats")
How can I achieve that? I was playing with <IF> <else> statement and the template kept messing up..
can someone else me with that?
VIKS, I would like to know the answer to this as well. I have the *exact* same problem. :ermm:
Actually...one workaround I thought about for #1 is to put the CPMS index page in the forums directory (perhaps portal.php) and then make a permanent redirect from your root index to the CPMS page. It's a little messy and could cause other issues, but it's a thought anyway.....