Hi Mr. Bob,
I did get my install of 4.0.1 working with vbulletin 3.0.7 and yes the bots are silly but even that seems to be working now.
I wish I could tell you exactly what made the difference. I am using the CMS2 verison and the prefix is finally reading in as _fc_, which is what it seems to want. I have no idea why the installer wasn't pulling in the right database & prefix info, but it suddenly started finding what it needed. I am using absolute paths in the CMS2 to my install which is in /root/chat not /root/forum/chat.
The problem I am trying to resolve now is incorporating /chat/info.php output using vbulletin's phpinclude_start template. I am having problems that I didn't have with 3.9.6. I don't want to clutter the thread here - so that discussion is going on in Tufat -
at least it would be going on if the moderator there didn't want me to fill the "Code Depot" with half baked code.
I am afraid, after all that effort it is back to 3.9.6 for me!