Hi Ron1n
Just installed this to have a play and I've got some suggestions for your consideration ..
Create a CMPS module (Please!!)
When adding a link to a file allow the input of the file size
Have the system show the max upload, as per the servers config files
When editing a file that's a link, show the link in the "Link to File" box
Allow people to create their own "File Information" entry boxes within the admin area
Give an option to choose the amount of Latest and Popular files shown
When a file/link is deleted take it off the persons "Top Contributors" ranking
Allow files to be uploaded via FTP and then listed without having to use the link option
Have the User Info, Latest Files and Most Popular Files sections on the left on the front page to keep consistency
Some of these might of been suggested before but I'm brainstorming here!
The Stats page seems to be buggered for my install .. not sure if this is a bug or something on my forums. Anyone else got a problem?