Originally Posted by BlackxRam
Don't even bother registering on that v3arcadegames site because no matter what email you use it says it has been banned and I have never registered on that site before in my life.
This is why I think I ended up switching to IBproarcade. For hassles and stupidity like this that was found with V3arcade. A problem that became apparent more in the later stages of its life. Instead of dealing with the problem, he tucked his tail and hid. Thats not how you solve problems. I would have had more respect if he stuck with it and fought the issues. But cutting support off, betrayed loyal users of his modification.
That was wrong.
Yeah, and $20 per user for the first month is outrageous - HOW is it possible that one user can use $20 worth of US-server bandwidth?
590 games in one rar file: all you need I think!: