Your release not only still applies, but you did it without all the whining and crying. And you found one final phrase that I did not. People trying to simply make the change should definitely
follow your thread.
Kall shows different ways of making the mods: something about turning on debug and using the address bar to modify a setting. Even more potentially useful information.
I didn't quite understand I was "releasing" something here, I was just posting a whiner. We all have our days.
There is nothing to release. It's just a few steps to follow. So long as the threads are cross-linked, another may have twice the chance of understanding or learning. Or finding it in the first place.
Alert here's something curious. If you start with an existing subscriptions ipn (instant payment notification) module, you may find it includes init but not global.
Where do people define their group ids eg define('MYGROUP', 13). I would have guessed global.php
Other steps Many processors require a unique transaction identifier. I found I had to create a table. When the purchase was confirmed, write the userid and get an insert id. The subscription table itself will not do.
Now, if a cookie has expired when the IPN is received, you still have the insert id, and can recover the transaction details. I saved everything the processor sent:
PHP Code:
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value)
$postdata .="\n$key => $value";
if (status from processor is ok)
$DB_site->query("UPDATE ... postdata='".serialize($postdata)."'...
Many times you do not really understand what a processor is telling you until you see it in action. Once you have some rows in your table, you can see what they really meant by their status and return variables.
Also in this table, a COMPLETE status. If you try to complete a transaction that is already complete, you know somebody is hacking... or more likely, the payment processor is acting up, and users are desperately re-trying. Beats extending the subscription eight times. And provides a useful audit trail.
There's another difficulty for adult ("stupid") sites. Presenting all those payment methods is confusing for some people. Better to guide them one at a time, first through your main processor, then try for the others.
I'm not done yet! Appreciate the feedback.