I'm getting this error after following the instructions:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:
Invalid SQL: SELECT thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.lastpost, thread.forumid, thread.open, thread.replycount, thread.postusername, thread.postuserid, thread.lastposter, thread.dateline, thread.visible, forum.forumid, forum.title AS forumtitle, user.username, user.userid AS lastposterid
FROM thread
LEFT JOIN forum AS forum ON(forum.forumid = thread.forumid)
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON(user.username = thread.lastposter)
WHERE thread.open = 1
AND thread.visible = 1
ORDER BY thread.replycount DESC
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 8
mysql error number: 1064