Its rumored that the vb 3.1 series will be a more OOP oriented and more modular for hackers. Exactly what that means hasn't been announced as of yet but it may be helpful if you really plan on trying to intergrate this. Of course a release date hasn't been announced so we dont know when this may take place either.
That said menalto's gallery is great and alot of people were interested in intergration with vb2 and 3 but it never materialized. I heard the newest version of menalto gallery would allow you to use an existing username and password table? If so that might be a start for intergration.
As an alternative, I would strongly urge you to check out alternate gallery programs.
4Images and Coppermine are free and there are intergrations with vbulletin's user directories.
Photopost is a commercial stand alone gallery that can utlize the vb user system and offers tighter intergration than Coppermine and 4images although off hand I am not exactly sure on some details.
VBAdvanced Gallery (not jelsoft affiliated) is another commerical gallery system that was built with vbulletin as the back end. I use this myself and its about as tight as you can get making use of the vb template system, permissions system, etc.