Still just finding where to make the mods....
The phrase search ends at a hard-coded array in forum/subscriptions.php
PHP Code:
// These phrases are constant since they are the name of a service
$tmp = array(
'paypal' => 'PayPal',
'nochex' => 'NOCHEX',
'worldpay' => 'WorldPay',
'inhouse' => 'In House',
'plugnpay' => 'Plug n Pay'
Now, if I am groking in fullness, the $form array that I completed in an earlier step will be invoked. The payment processor takes over. I send a return url through a hidden field in this form (or by some admin panel at my payment processor). The return links are:
Now I'm ready to take an existing script from the subscriptions directory, rename it as inhouse.php or plugnpay.php, modify to accept the return values, and I might be done.