ok, i uninstalled the hack (well, tried, it didn't complete for some reason, and upgraded to 3.0.7, and re-installed. now i have been able to upload a song, but the vb jukebox option in the general area of admincp is gone, and when i try to decipher this:
$printhr = false;
if (can_administer('canadminstyles'))
Insert Before
// start vb jukebox hack by trafix
if (can_administer('canadminstyles'))
$printhr = true;
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['jb_track_list'], 'vb_jukebox_admin.php', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("$vbphrase[jb_vbjukebox]", '<hr />');
// end vb jukebox hack by trafix
my admincp is no longer framed, and clicking links either do nothing, or open in a new window.
below is what my index.php file looks like straight from the download today:
// *************************************************
$printhr = false;
if (can_administer('canadminstyles'))
$printhr = true;
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['style_manager'], 'template.php?do=modify', '<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['search_in_templates'], 'template.php?do=search', '<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['replacement_variable_manager'], 'replacement.php?do=modify', '<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['download_upload_styles'], 'template.php?do=files', '<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['find_updated_templates'], 'template.php?do=findupdates', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("$vbphrase[styles] & $vbphrase[templates]", '<hr />');
// ***
so where do i put the above code?!? so odd that before i couldn't get this to show up/work, and now i re-installed (3x) and get the opposite. lol, im so confused here. when i go to my jukebox, the song i uploaded before i can't see, because the general option is gone to turn the jukebox on. heh. :scratches head:
side note: does anyone know what happened to trafx?