I am exploring a similar integration. I posted a project request at:
I am starting to spec out more details in terms of functionality if/when I commit to someone. I would be happy to share my specifications with any interested if only to clarify what I should aim for.
Here is a start to spec'g out what i am looking for. Feel free to add comments.
When user is creating a new account
Option to also register auto register as a new user at VB site.
VB uses UserName, OSC uses email address
Change OSC to use UserName?
Add UserName field to OSC so that user can add reg to VB?
When user is logging into OSC
Check VB member list
Check OSC users
VB or OSC to handle forgot password email?
When user arrives at OSC
Remembers login, auto login
When a user is logged in at VB site
I would like to conversely 'look' at cart contents in OSC from VB in order to show VB user their Cart summary from OSC