There are two ways:
The first way:
Under "Options for Statistics Main Page" in AdminCP use: "
aquatic-photography.com" as your own Domainname.
The second way:
################################################## ####################
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**If you want to exclude more than one domainname from beeing logged**
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################################################## ####################
Search for:
PHP Code:
//Um weitere Domains auszuschliessen dieses Format benutzen
add above:
PHP Code:
if (strpos(strtolower($DER_REFERER), "your-new-excluded-domain.com") === false)
Type the Domainname
without http://www in the beginning!
just: your-new-excluded-domain.com
You can add Domainnames as much as you want to be excluded.
Use the same way as mentioned above.
In the next version of the statistic you can excluded domains, url?s ect. via Admin CP