Great hack, Logician! Thanks! Thanks also to ADiuM for sorting out the Firefox issue!
By the way, does anyone else have text formatting problems? Regardless of whether it's txt or rtf, the files don't display exactly right with either Notepad or Word. With Wordpad, it looks fine though.
I'd like to generate a "proper" rtf file by adding some control codes but I need some help. How do I
print "{\rtf" without the "\r" being misinterpretted? Also, is there any way to
preg_replace or add characters after each line break or carriage return?
Here's sample of rtf code:
I need some {\b help}.\par
That would generate:
I need some
As you can see, we could also
preg_replace the bbcode with rtf code to make nicer looking files. I'd like to do that too but I first need to figure how to get started with the basics.
Figured it out.