Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Sorry but if i look at your code, i think you are missing some things:
- If someone have no subscription, it will show a negative days remaining and an end date of 1-1-1970
- If someone have more then 1 subscription, it will only show info for 1 (and this don't need to be the oldest)
- It also runs for guests.
OK, this should work better:
HTML Code:
<if condition="$remaining < 20 AND $expirydate != '1-Jan-1970' AND $bbuserinfo[userid] != '0'"><div align="center">Your Subscription Expires on $expirydate. You have $remaining days Remaining.<br />Click <a href="$vboptions[bburl]/subscriptions.php" title="Renew Subscription">here</a> to renew.</div></if>
*uploads new install file*