Originally Posted by WhSox21
I just did a clean install and simulated what you said above. It worked fine. Anyone else have this problem?
I did get the PM. The problem was I was looking for the email notification that I have received a new private message. Also, the popup doesn't appear when browsing the forums and a PM comes in. Are those two notification methods in the works?
Another problem. I created a ticket with another account, logged back in as admin, claimed the ticket and other members of the usergroup are still able to reply to the ticket. Is that intentional? If so, then it will become confusing quckly as more PM's come in and you have no idea of the current status of the ticket. Once a ticket is claimed, only that member should be getting PM's along with the person who submitted it.
Also, would it be possible to have the ticket title, sender's username, and current status of the ticket show up in the PM you receive?