Originally Posted by rjordan
Almost everything you put forward here I can agree with. What I do not understand is the moderation comment. I do not see what you quoted me as saying has anything to do with what you posted.
It is my opinion is no matter the age, there will still be use for a lot of (maybe not all) old mods. That can be proven by what I have found in 2 years of posts I have gone through and found plenty of either mods I put in or mods that gave me insight to do something similar.
Again, who out there is qualified to tell me what mods are good or not good for my sites? Not an attack, just a comment.
Now let's continue with this thread in what it was intended for, shall we? v3arcade discussions.
*Bold added to text in quoted matter by me.
Excuse me but that is what I thought I was doing. Just because the convo is con as opposed to pro for this hack does not mean it is not v3arcade related.
I think that the moderators here do not need any other qualification than to be able to make the assessment that a hack could damage a board or is useless. Other than that, the mods here can perform like any other mod by deleting spam, flame and other such corrective measures.
In the present case the v3 Arcade hack is just being kept around due to its past popularity, which has long fizzled out when the author shut off free access to games in an attempt to punish the whole for the sins of a few and when he no longer supports it. The fact that others have to support the hack only highlights this fact.
Is it appropriate to keep it around simply because it was once a good and popular hack? That is the 54 Million Dollar question here. The answer is easy: No. The rationale behind the answer not so easy but here goes: People spend close to $100 for a vbulletin lease and they will shell out almost $200 if they want to own one. The first thing they want to do for the most part is to attract members and to do this requires features. Photo galleries, arcades, RPGs and chat rooms. Of all of these, arcades are the most desired. I know...my members want arcades. The arcades get the most activity at my site and at some of my friends' sites. Where does one get an arcade? Here. Which one do they get? The one under the discussion. It's the one that I got. Now we have an arcade, we need games. The hack only comes with 3 or 4 games which members grow tired of and only come to arcade to see if newer games have been installed. Then it's back to here to see into getting more games. The official v3arcade link takes one to a page where we are told that because a few baddies made a mistake we all must do without.