Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve
ehjay - The problem is with the form you have set up. On the randomquote, you don't have vote defined, on the list of quotes you have it set to either + or -. It should be "vote=plus" or "vote=minus".
YLP1 - The ratings on the list of quotes work like this: you select your rating for the quotes, then click the vote button to send your votes. As for the edit thing, can you use the "Submit to quotes" feature for posts? The only thing different about the editing is that it uses the html_entity_decode() and str_replace() functions, other than that it's almost identical to the add quote code. You might have to ask your host for help.
Yes I can use the submit to quotes feature ...the only real issue is the timeout on the edit.
I spoke with my ISP mySQL/PHP manager and of course they are saying it's the script because no other timeouts are occurring.
Is there a way to go back to the previous version without me messing everything up?