OK, just to reiterate. The error received was a Parse error "Unexpected $ at line ... in functions_bbcodeparse.php" (where the line number corresponded to the last line of the php program = "?>".
Here be the areas of code I changed / inserted. As previously described I put comments in "// SMJU001 ..." to indicate what I had done.
Hack Steps 27/28
PHP Code:
$bbcodes['custom']['recurse']['highlight'][0] = array('replace_html' => "<span class=\"highlight\">\\7</span>");
return $bbcodes;
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse #######################
// SMJU001 {Step 27/28}
// this line replaced by the following one - function parse_bbcode($bbcode, $forumid = 0, $allowsmilie = 1, $isimgcheck = 0, $parsedtext = '', $parsedhasimages = 0, $iswysiwyg = 0)
function parse_bbcode($bbcode, $forumid = 0, $allowsmilie = 1, $isimgcheck = 0, $parsedtext = '', $parsedhasimages = 0, $iswysiwyg = 0, $postid = '')
// $parsedtext contains text that has already been turned into HTML and just needs images checking
// $parsedhasimages specifies if the text has images in that need parsing
global $vboptions, $parsed_postcache;
Hack Steps 29/30
PHP Code:
if ($isimgcheck)
{ // do this since we're only checking for smilies and IMG code
$dobbcode = 0;
// SMJU001 {step 29/30}
// this line replaced with the following one return parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg, $donl2br);
return parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg, $donl2br, $postid);
// ###################### Start checkparam #######################
Hack Steps 31/32
PHP Code:
$return = preg_replace('#%(?!\d+\$s)#', '%%', $return);
return sprintf($return, $param, $option);
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2 #######################
// SMJU001 {steps 31/32}
// this line replaced with the following one function parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg = 0, $donl2br = 1)
function parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg = 0, $donl2br = 1, $postid = '')
// parses text for vB code, smilies and censoring
global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $smiliecache;
Hack Steps 33/34
PHP Code:
$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_regexrecurse';
// SMJU001 {steps 33/34}
// this line replaced with the following one $bbcode = $parsefunc($bbcode, $iswysiwyg);
$bbcode = $parsefunc($bbcode, $iswysiwyg, $postid);
if ($wysiwygtype == 'ie')
Hack Steps 35/36/37/38
PHP Code:
$replace = array("\n", "\n", "\n");
$innertext = str_replace($find, $replace, $innertext);
return '</p>' . $prepend . $innertext . '[/list]<p style="margin:0px">';
// SMJU001 {step 35/36} This code inserted
// ###################### Start handle_bbcode_function #######################
function handle_bbcode_function($BBCODES, $bbcode, $post_bbcode, $singleRegex, $doubleRegex)
if ($bbcode['twoparams'])
$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbcode['bbcodetag'], $bbcode['bbcodetag']);
$tagname = "[$bbcode[bbcodetag]=";
$checkparam = 5;
$option_param = ",'\\7'";
$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbcode['bbcodetag'], $bbcode['bbcodetag']);
$tagname = "[$bbcode[bbcodetag]]";
$checkparam = 4;
$BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"] = $regex;
if ($bbcode['bbcode_functionid'])
if ($bbcode['include_file'])
$BBCODES['custom']['include_file']["$tagname"] = $bbcode['include_file'];
$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "@$bbcode[handle]('\\$checkparam'$option_param)";
if (!$bbcode['refresh'] && $post_bbcode)
if ($bbcode['include_file'])
if (stristr($post_bbcode, $tagname) !== false)
$post_bbcode = preg_replace($BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"], $BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"], $post_bbcode);
$BBCODES['do_postupdate'] = 1;
$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "handle_bbcode_parameter('\\$checkparam','" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbcode['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
if ($post_bbcode)
return $BBCODES;
$BBCODE['replacement'] = $BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"];
$BBCODE['regex'] = $BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"];
$BBCODE['include_file'] = $BBCODES['custom']['include_file']["$tagname"];
return $BBCODE;
// SMJU001 {step 36} End of inserted code
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_regexrecurse #######################
//SMJU001 {steps 37/38}
// this line replaced by the following one - function parse_bbcode_regexrecurse($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
function parse_bbcode_regexrecurse($bbcode, $iswysiwyg, $postid = '')
global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse, $session;
static $BBCODES;
Hack Steps 39/40/41/42/43/44
Note that I found the search text in step 43 twice in the file, therefore I inserted the code in step 44 twice. The duplicate area is further down the post.
PHP Code:
$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;
if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();
$doubleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(=)("|"|\'|)([^"]*)(\\4)\](.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
$singleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(\])(.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
/* SMJU001 {step 39 / 41} This section of code replaced
if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache'])) // get bbcodes from the datastore
$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);
foreach ($bbcodecache AS $bbregex)
if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace(array('\\7', '\\5'), array('%1$s', '%2$s'), $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]=";
$checkparam = '\\7';
$checkoption = '\\5';
$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace('\\4', '%1$s', $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]]";
$checkparam = '\\4';
$checkoption = '';
$BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"] = $regex;
$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "handle_custom_bbcode('$checkparam', '$checkoption', '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
else // query bbcodes out of the database
$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
while ($bbregex = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace(array('\\7', '\\5'), array('%1$s', '%2$s'), $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]=";
$checkparam = '\\7';
$checkoption = '\\5';
$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace('\\4', '%1$s', $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]]";
$checkparam = '\\4';
$checkoption = '';
$BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"] = $regex;
$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "handle_custom_bbcode('$checkparam', '$checkoption', '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
// SMJU001 {step 39 / 41} end of code section to be replaced */
// SMJU001 {step 40 / 42} Replacement code - start
if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache'])) // get bbcodes from the datastore
$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);
foreach($bbcodecache AS $bbregex)
$BBCODES = handle_bbcode_function($BBCODES, $bbregex, &$bbcode, $singleRegex, $doubleRegex);
else // query bbcodes out of the database
$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
SELECT bbcode.bbcodetag, bbcode.bbcodereplacement, bbcode.twoparams,
bbcode_function.handle, bbcode_function.include_file
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode_function
USING (bbcode_functionid)
while ($bbregex = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
$BBCODES = handle_bbcode_function($BBCODES, $bbregex, $bbcode, $singleRegex, $doubleRegex);
// SMJU001 {step 40 / 42} Replacement code - end
// SMJU001 {step 43 / 44} Inserted Code - start
if ($BBCODES['do_postupdate'] && $postid) // Hard code the retuned function value
SET pagetext='".addslashes(str_replace('<br />', '', html_entity_decode($bbcode)))."'
WHERE postid=$postid");
// SMJU001 {step 43 / 44} Inserted Code - End
if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in the WYSIWYG editor box
$bbcode_find = $BBCODES['standard']['find'];
$bbcode_replace = $BBCODES['standard']['replace'];
Hack Steps 45/46
PHP Code:
else // text to show everywhere else
//$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['find'], $BBCODES['custom']['find']);
//$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['replace'], $BBCODES['custom']['replace']);
$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['custom']['find'], $BBCODES['standard']['find']);
$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['custom']['replace'], $BBCODES['standard']['replace']);
// SMJU001 {steps 45 / 46} Inserted code - start
if ($BBCODES['custom']['include_file'])
$include_file = $BBCODES['custom']['include_file'];
// SMJU001 {steps 45 / 46} Inserted code - end
foreach($bbcode_find AS $tag => $findregex)
// if using option, $tag will be '[xxx='
// if not using option, $tag will be '[xxx]'
while (stristr($bbcode, $tag) !== false)
Hack Steps 47/48
PHP Code:
while (stristr($bbcode, $tag) !== false)
// SMJU001 {steps 47 / 48} Inserted code - start
if ($include_file["$tag"])
// SMJU001 {steps 47 / 48} Inserted text - end
// make a copy of the text pre-replacement for later comparison
$origtext = $bbcode;
$bbcode = preg_replace($findregex, $bbcode_replace["$tag"], $bbcode);
Hack Steps 43/44: In the hack instructions step 43 gave a search string. I therefore inserted the code twice, in both places.
PHP Code:
while($bbregex = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$checkparam = 7;
$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$checkparam = 4;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$BBCODES['custom']['find'][] = $regex;
$BBCODES['custom']['replace'][] = "handle_bbcode_parameter('\\$checkparam','" . str_replace("'","\'",$bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
// SMJU001 Step 43/44 Inserted Code - start
// I found the search string twice, so I sinserted it twice.
if ($BBCODES['do_postupdate'] && $postid) // Hard code the retuned function value
SET pagetext='".addslashes(str_replace('<br />', '', html_entity_decode($bbcode)))."'
WHERE postid=$postid
// SMJU001 Inserted Code - End
if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in the WYSIWYG editor box
$bbcode_find = $BBCODES['standard']['find'];
$bbcode_replace = $BBCODES['standard']['replace'];