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Info on setting up ads.
Its become apparent that the readme isnt clear enough on how to create ad blocks, so until I update it - here is some extra info
Ad blocks are blocks that contain 1 or more ads (either images side by side, rotating, or static.) Essentailly an ad block is whatever comes out in the Standard Wrapper (the block that says 'Please visit our sponsor' at the top).
You define the ad blocks in the Scripts section.
Unless you want different configurations on different pages, use the Master script to define your ad blocks.
Edit the Master script by clicking on its link in the admincp.
There you will see 1 ad block (installed by default).
If you want additional ads, click the 'add new' button whilst editing the script and another ad block will appear for configuring.
In your templates, each ad block will appear as $GAB_ads[x] where x=the ad block (starting at 0). In other words, the first block in the page appears as $GAB_ads[0], the second $GAB_ads[1], etc...
Its pretty simple really