I'm on a 1600 resolution--19" monitor ... and, I surf with 2 browser windows open OR a browser and some other application running--it depends on what I'm doing.
If you want to get the most out of your site you should either
1) create a liquid layout
2) create an 800 resolution design
3) create an optional style switcher where a user can switch width sizes
FYI: The best alternative is a default 800 (fixed) resolution.
Never assume who your viewers are ... you should always design for the lowest denominator.
Most daytime surfers are people who are at work.
What monitor resolution do you think dominates the corporate offices of the world?
I'm only making a suggestion ... only you know who your viewers are.
Your showcase images are fine in LARGE sizes--nothing wrong with that .. it's your non-showcase/ads images that should be smaller.