Originally Posted by why-not
It is pretty much done in the state it is in. I am just adding (1) more thing to the Admin Panel and then do some code clean up of the back end, not really code clean up, I am just thinking about some logic changes but they only effect people using MySQL 3.
The final version will be released with in the week. I just need to add the Admin Ban Control (ban limits) ie, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week and so on.. Also add Admin configured Ban Types, that is all part of the Admin Signature Panel that is not in the beta version. But it's not needed to run the modification, like I said before...
This control is 100% working, that includes the monitor and the forum controls and the signature permissions (configure or update). There will be no Forum Script changes from now to Final. That means './includes/signature.php' and all the other Forum related scripts will not need any editing. Only the Admin scripts will need to be overwritten, not edited!
Hey Sonia,
I guess my question is will file edits need to be redone when the next version comes out? Or are you just changing the php files that come with this? If that's the case then I will install now! I love the idea of this, just don't want to have to rehack in a week! Please let me know, THANKS!