This is one of the only bad things about vBulletin, to many of the control are not centered around groups, which they should be!
You can do this by adding a extra bitwise mask to one of the usergroup permissions, then add a single radio yes or no row in the Admin Panel 'usergroup configuration' then just add the if() block in your script functions_newpost.php that will allow each configured group to by pass that check!
It is better to do it this way then then just hacking the script with if(this group or that group or some other group)!
If you want to do this that way then just do the following, but I don't recommend it!!!!!
FIND THIS... './includes/functions_newpost.php'
if (THIS_SCRIPT != 'editpost' AND $vboptions['floodchecktime'] > 0 AND $bbuserinfo['userid'] != 0 AND (TIMENOW - $bbuserinfo['lastpost']) <= $vboptions['floodchecktime'] AND !can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid']) AND !$post['preview'])
eval('$errors[] = "' . fetch_phrase('floodcheck', PHRASETYPEID_ERROR) . '";');
if ( $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] != ? )
if (THIS_SCRIPT != 'editpost' AND $vboptions['floodchecktime'] > 0 AND $bbuserinfo['userid'] != 0 AND (TIMENOW - $bbuserinfo['lastpost']) <= $vboptions['floodchecktime'] AND !can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid']) AND !$post['preview'])
eval('$errors[] = "' . fetch_phrase('floodcheck', PHRASETYPEID_ERROR) . '";');
Where as '
?' would be replaced by the group id that can by pass the flood control, but remember, doing via the Admin Panel will make your job easier!
If you want it the other way, so you can configure via the Admin Panel, then tell me and I will make it real, quick! You will have make your own Help phrases, because I will not do the Admin help phrases, but everything else i will do!