Integrate vbulletin login / session info sitewide
Hi, I know there are robust hacks out there that will do this and more, but I am looking for something extremely simple. What I want is a snippet of code I can include on all the pages on my site that are outisde the forum that will :
a) recognize a user as logged in, start their session, add them to the who's onling list, and show some stats, like:
Welcome back:
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29. Mar 2005 11:10
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b) not recognize a user as logged in, start their session, and present them with a login box and some who's online stats
I also need to be able to grab this user's userid for use in other applications, so that either needs to be a session variable I have access to or a cookie or something once they are logged in.
Please let me know if there is an exisiting hack for this, if not I will pay for one.