Originally Posted by SRuvbnhad
Having a problem with the system. I've got five groups total. Administartors and then four others. I set Admin to yes on all permissions. I set the others to only being able to submit tickets. I'm logged into both accounts right now and here's the problem I'm having.
User is groupA submits a ticket. It does not show up in the Admin's new tickets or unresolved tickets menu. Instead of showing up in there, I get the No new tickets can be found message. Any ideas as to what's going on?
Originally Posted by WhSox21
I would need more information to help you out. Did you set the information in the AdminCP correctly? Did you try to uninstall it and then reinstall it?
I got that as an Admin. It maybe u did not make departments cause I have not did it yet as well. I get message saying I do not have the prev. or perm. to view.