I did what seemed to be a popular rap battle system judging by the number of times it was ripped off.
Anywho, it kinda went like this...
Points are given as follows.
3 points for beating a top five player
2 points for beating a top ten player
1 point for beating any other player
Battles are played to 5 using the poll system. At 5 points the poll is closed and the user scores updated.
There was the must post to vote hack used with it and the minimun post length hack as well so folks had to post a real comment before casting a vote. I think we even used the minimum posts to post and vote in this forum hack too maybe.
There are some controls in the acp for editing stats. There was a ranks page, top ten. There was code to rank losses too I'm pretty sure. Post bit stats too.
I've been asked to port it to vB3 many times, but it's alot of work. However I'd like to hear some feedback on what features discussed already or desired by you that could make this hack worth my while.