First of all, set up a custom profile field..
Admin CP -> User Profile Fields -> Add New User Profile Field
Create it as a "Single-Selection Menu" type..
Title: Display Featured Photos
Description: By default, we display some featured photos from our gallery on the forum home. If you wish, you may turn these off.
Options: Yes, leave them on
No, turn them off
Set Default: Yes, but No First Blank Option
The rest of the options are up to you, and then click "Save".
Make a note of the field number on the "User Profile Field Manager" (ie. field5).
Now go and edit your FORUMHOME template and find:
HTML Code:
Replace it with:
HTML Code:
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['field5']!='No, turn them off'">$photopostfeature</if>
field5 with your field number that you made a note of earlier..