For those wanting to take advantage of the "addlink script accepts optional url=, name=, description= parameters to allow scripted new link creation" that AndrewD has kindly added .. I've found the following code to work with IE 6 ..
(Be warned .. it looks like vB adds some spaces into the above code for some reason .. please cleck that you have no spaces before saying it doesn't work!
Instructions for use ..
1/ Create a favorite within IE6 using any URL
2/ Right click this new favorite within the "Favorites" drop down and click "Properties"
3/ Within the "Web Document" tab replace the current URL with the code above remembering to change the "" part of the URL for the correct path to your local_links.php file
4/ Within the "General" tab replace the name to something like "Add URL to Link Database"
5/ Click OK, at which point it will ask if you really want to do it .. click YES
6/ Finally click "Tools" on your menu bar, click "Pop-up Blocker" and click "Turn off Pop-up Blocker". This will stop IE complaining that the site is trying to open a new window when you click "Add URL to Link Database" from your "Favorites" menu
To add a link to your Links Database you can now do the following ..
1/ Goto URL using IE6
2/ Highlight some text you'd like as the description for this link
3/ Pick "Add URL to Link Database" from your favorites list
4/ A new page will open pre-filling the Name, URL and Description of your link
5/ Finalise the completion of this page as normal
AndrewD .. your more than welcome to use the above in the instructions.txt if you'd like .. or do some of your own if you think I've not explained it very well ..