I want to start off by saying I take no credit for this code. I simply found a easy bug.
I have been looking for a "Racent Topics" script to pull 10-15 of the latest threads onto a non-vB page. Well I almost gave up, but decided to give RobinHood's code one last try.
The error that you receive is:
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/xxx/public_html/lastposts3.php on line 48
The reason being that the prefix for the tables has to be manually added.
## LAST X POSTS v3.1 ##
## PHASE(1) MEDIA ##
/* This script shows the last X numbers of posts (titles) posted last on a non-VB page.
You may customize it in any way you wish. If you have any problems with it, you can
post them at vB.org or send me an email to tre@phase1media.com.
$db_host = "localhost"; // Change this if your MySQL database host is different.
$db_name = "vbulletin"; // Change this to the name of your database.
$db_user = "user"; // Change this to your database username.
$db_pw = "password"; // Change this to your database password.
$forum_url = "http://www.yourdomain.com/forum"; // Change this to reflect to your forum's URL.
$forum_id = ""; // If you wish to display the posts from a specific forum, enter the forum id here. Otherwise, leave it blank.
$limit = "10"; // Number of posts displayed.
$titlecolor = "#0000FF"; // This is the color of the title.
$postedcolor = "#404040"; // This is the color of the bottom text.
$txtlimit = "100"; // This is the character limit.
// Connecting to your database
mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pw)
OR die ("Cannot connect to your database");
mysql_select_db($db_name) OR die("Cannot connect to your database");
// Below is the beginning of a table. If you feel you don't need it, you may remove it.
echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">";
if ($forum_id) {
$forumid = "AND forumid=$forum_id";
if ($limit) {
$limited = "LIMIT $limit";
$thread_sql = mysql_query("SELECT threadid,title,lastpost,lastposter FROM thread WHERE visible=1 AND open=1 $forumid ORDER BY lastpost DESC $limited");
$lastpost = $thread_get['lastpost'];
$poster = $thread_get['lastposter'];
$tid = $thread_get['threadid'];
$psql = mysql_query("SELECT postid FROM post WHERE threadid=$tid ORDER BY postid DESC");
$pid = $getp['postid'];
$date2 = date ("m/d/y h:i A" ,$lastpost);
$title = $thread_get['title'];
$title = substr($title,0,$txtlimit);
echo "<tr><td><font size=\"2\" face=\"arial,verdana,geneva\"><a href=\"$forum_url/showthread.php?p=$pid#post$pid\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\" COLOR=\"$titlecolor\" face=\"arial,verdana,geneva\">$title</FONT></a></font><br /><font color=\"$postedcolor\" face=\"arial,verdana,geneva\" size='1'>posted by $poster <i>$date2</i></FONT></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
Correct (for vB3.0.7):
## LAST X POSTS v3.1 ##
## PHASE(1) MEDIA ##
/* This script shows the last X numbers of posts (titles) posted last on a non-VB page.
You may customize it in any way you wish. If you have any problems with it, you can
post them at vB.org or send me an email to tre@phase1media.com.
$db_host = "localhost"; // Change this if your MySQL database host is different.
$db_name = "vbulletin"; // Change this to the name of your database.
$db_user = "user"; // Change this to your database username.
$db_pw = "password"; // Change this to your database password.
$forum_url = "http://www.yourdomain.com/forum"; // Change this to reflect to your forum's URL.
$forum_id = ""; // If you wish to display the posts from a specific forum, enter the forum id here. Otherwise, leave it blank.
$limit = "10"; // Number of posts displayed.
$titlecolor = "#0000FF"; // This is the color of the title.
$postedcolor = "#404040"; // This is the color of the bottom text.
$txtlimit = "100"; // This is the character limit.
// Connecting to your database
mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pw)
OR die ("Cannot connect to your database");
mysql_select_db($db_name) OR die("Cannot connect to your database");
// Below is the beginning of a table. If you feel you don't need it, you may remove it.
echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">";
if ($forum_id) {
$forumid = "AND forumid=$forum_id";
if ($limit) {
$limited = "LIMIT $limit";
$thread_sql = mysql_query("SELECT threadid,title,lastpost,lastposter FROM YOURPREFIXHERE_thread WHERE visible=1 AND open=1 $forumid ORDER BY lastpost DESC $limited");
$lastpost = $thread_get['lastpost'];
$poster = $thread_get['lastposter'];
$tid = $thread_get['threadid'];
$psql = mysql_query("SELECT postid FROM YOURPREFIXHERE_post WHERE threadid=$tid ORDER BY postid DESC");
$pid = $getp['postid'];
$date2 = date ("m/d/y h:i A" ,$lastpost);
$title = $thread_get['title'];
$title = substr($title,0,$txtlimit);
echo "<tr><td><font size=\"2\" face=\"arial,verdana,geneva\"><a href=\"$forum_url/showthread.php?p=$pid#post$pid\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\" COLOR=\"$titlecolor\" face=\"arial,verdana,geneva\">$title</FONT></a></font><br /><font color=\"$postedcolor\" face=\"arial,verdana,geneva\" size='1'>posted by $poster <i>$date2</i></FONT></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
Simple diagnostics:
$thread_sql = mysql_query("SELECT threadid,title,lastpost,lastposter FROM
YOURPREFIXHERE_thread WHERE visible=1 AND open=1 $forumid ORDER BY lastpost DESC $limited");
$lastpost = $thread_get['lastpost'];
$poster = $thread_get['lastposter'];
$tid = $thread_get['threadid'];
$psql = mysql_query("SELECT postid FROM
YOURPREFIXHERE_post WHERE threadid=$tid ORDER BY postid DESC");