Originally Posted by TomokiG
Currently I'm working on creating an original RPG with your hack. But I found an annoying fact:
Every race can access every class of the RPG. That way there won't be the chance to create "unique" classes for every race. Will there be in a future version an option for "unique" classe?
I'll note that down, and try to implement it into the next major version
Originally Posted by TomokiG
- If a player is chalanging someone can the challanged player change his class before he accepts? That way the challanged player could gain an advantage since he could change his class that way to outmatch the opponent.
I do not think that's possible since I believe it sets inbattle to 1 at challenge, but as Im in school, you can test this one out yerself
Originally Posted by TomokiG
- Will there be an option to prevent member of "clans" to change their classes? It'd be an interesting feature for class-specific clans.
I like this feature, as Im running Clan Vampiric on my own forums