for Screenshot an updates
MORE screenshot in the zip file attached to first post.
2005.08.18 - Version 1.2.1
- fix some bug for database with PREFIX
Update: upload/replace the files in the attachment (awards.php, request_award.php)
- Re-edit request_award.php with your settings (you may want to make a backup of your old request_award.php and copy the settings over)
2005.04.14 - Version 1.2.0
- [1.2] Options to set number of awards displayed in postbit
- [1.2] Options to turn on/off showing award icon, images, award requests in awards list, awards icons in memberlist
-[1.2] Display limit awards in postbit, with total awards, and a link to awards showcase in member profiles.
-[1.2] Award request, link to a form sending to email/PM/new thead or post (based on Dr Erwin Loh's Form hack)
-[1.2] Display award on Memberlist page (by trulylowcarb)
- Modify awards_install.php
2005.04.04 - Version 1.1c
- Fix award_cat.php to delete infomation in award_user table when you delete category and awards in the category.
+ replace award_cat.php with the same file in the zip
2005.04.03 - Version 1.1b
- Fix in showthead.php so that all awards icon will be displayed instead of one (if someone have the same award many times)
- Optimize the code in that part
Instruction in UPGRADE4b.txt
2005.04.03 - Version 1.1
- Can Create/Edit/Remove/Reorder categories/sub-categories in ACP (with category name and description)
- Can Move one (or all) award from one category to another, or set it un-classified (not displayed in the list in public site)
- Can re-order awards (in ACP)
Instruction in UPGRADE 4.txt
2005.03.29 - Version 1.0.1c
- Optimize code.
Instruction in UPGRADE3.txt (optional)
2005.03.29 - Version 1.0.1b
+ Display awards in postbit for hybrid and threaded mode
+ Display award users for each awards in ACP/Award Manager
- Upgrade instruction: /docs/UPGRADE2.txt
- Replace /admincp/award.php with the one in zip file
2005.03.28: Version 1.0.1
+ Display awards in postbit (showthread, showpost, announcement, private)
- Upgrade Instruction: /docs/UPGRADE1.txt
2005.03.28: Initial release
Step 1: Unzip the files to a directory on your computer.
Step 2: Upload the files to your forums directory.
Directory structure:
Step 3: Run installation from your admincp folder and follow instruction:
The installer will add new phrases, and templates to your database, and tell you how to edit files and templates.
You can also read the instruction how to modify files and templates from
Note: AUTOMATIC file modification is also available. See /docs/BoardMod_Automatic_File_Editing.htm for instruction
Step 4: Enjoy your new hack, give me feedback, and click

Step 1: Unzip the files to a directory on your computer.
Step 2: Upload the awards_install.php files to your forums admincp directory.
Directory structure:
Step 3: Run un-installation from your admincp folder:
The un-installer will drop phrases, and templates from your database
Step 4: Remove the following files from server
Step 5: Manually un-do all the modification to files and templates.
List of modifications in:
Step 6: Give me feedback on why you dont want to use this hack.
- Find and upload award icons and images to your server. You can use the images in as demo
- Go to your forum
+ Click on Award Category Manager if you want to create new category, or re-order some
+ Click on Award Manager to manage awards (if you have any)
+ Click on Add New Award if you want to add a award. Fill in information for Award Name, Description, Image URLs (full path to your images) and chose category. (
Note: If you chose Category as "No one", your award will be listed as un-classify, and not display in front page)
You need to ADD some awards before using it

+ Click on Manage for each award to Add/Remove award to/from some user (by their userid or username)
go to
http://yourwebsite/awards.php to see results.