It would really depend on what you would be adding and what you would want done with the value of each input!
I guess you could add a option to the vB posting options, where you could define a new input (input name, default value, fill in value if set, about text) that would need a edit to (newthread, newreply) to add a single function that would call (1) of (2) other functions (process, build), then you would just create a single template (custom_input_bit) to build the input to be added to the form). For processing just check if the new input has a value and if it does process it, if it's a preview then just reinsert the value or check it if its a checkbox!
So a quick run down!
1. Add option to the admin panel (options)
2. create a new table to hold each input fields settings (something like profilefields)
3. add the posting values to clean them to function build_new_post() ./includes/functions_newpost.php
4. add your custom templates for different input types you want to support
5. add you <if condition...> to include your form inputs to newreply, newthread templates!
6. add the building and processing functions
7. add the function(s) calls to newthread.php, newreply.php
That it! It's not really hard to do, maybe a hour of coding on the forum side, the admin panel would take longer, how long will depend on how dynamic you want the control to be! Just remember the more dynamic it is, will make your Admin job easier later!