Well we have this installed now but it shows zero users all the time irrelevant of how many people are on it.
Example here
Anyone else have this problem? If you click on the link it logs you directly into Team Speak so I know the IP /port etc are correct but it wont' show the users.
Anybody know why? We run on a Windows box.
Here's how the tstinfo relevant part is configured.
// **** settings - to be edited before first use ****
var $serverURL = ""; // will be used for the connect link, don't use localhost here
var $serverAddress = ""; // can be ip address or url
var $serverQueryPort = 51234; // default 51234, must be accessible and usable. check server.ini
var $serverUDPPort = 8767; // default 8767
// **** end of settings ****