Originally Posted by stroke25
I dont know the rules for posting links here so just do a google search for firefox user agent switcher .Use firefox or mozilla to open it and it should install it as a add on.Then you just go to tools/user agent switcher/options and ennter the info there.
I just tested and found the problem. Something very easy, just didn't pay attention. There was a space that ruined everything
Here's the fix:
in the vBCloaker_CheckUserAgent() function (file is functions.php)
take this line
PHP Code:
if (substr_count(strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]),strtolower($spideragents[$i])) > 0) // Spiderbot
and replace it by
PHP Code:
if (substr_count(trim($spideragents[$i]),$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) > 0) // Spiderbot
Added trim() to get rid of the spaces
Edit: Sec, going to reupload, thanks for pointing that out, stroke25
Edit2: There seems to be something else wrong, give me 5 minutes
Edit3: Got it, now it's perfect, I'll reupload. (re-edited this post with changes)