Author: tnguy3n ((
This is vb integrated version of my PHP/MySQL Wishboard based on CGI/Perl Wishboard (honestly, i got no idea who original author of that CGI version) that was circulated on the net and had been passing around among my Viet fallas.
vB Wishboard is an add-on for vB forum. It allows users to make their wishes and tag them on wishboard. vB Wishboard is more like a virtual Wish Well or Wishboard, ppl can make their wishes anywhere without going to temple.
Current Version: v.1.0 Alpha
Release Date: 1-2 days
Live Demo: (well, it's down for update now)
Admin side:
Wishboard Config
- Enable/Disable
- Number of wishes to display per row. *
- Number of wishes to display perpage.
- Show Wishboard Stats block *
- Show last 5 wishes block
- Show most 5 view wishes block
- Viewing Permission Settings
- Who can view wishboard
- Who can make wishes
- Max wishes a user can make
Posting Settings
- Turn on Quick Wish Form
- Show Smilies in Wish Form *
- Show vb codes in Wish Form
- Show wysiwyg
- Allow Parsing of vB Code
- Allow HTML *
Members side:
- View/make wishes
- Modify own wishes (not yet implimented)
New Files: 3
- admincp/adminwishboard.php
- includes/functions_wishboard.php
- wishboard.php
New templates: 10
DB Tables: 3
Phrase: Unknown
* likely to be changed in Beta version
I'd like to know how many ppl want this hack. Also, I need more inputs + suggested features for this hack.
some demos:
User side:
1. (with sideblocks)
2. (without sideblocks)
3. (view detail wish)
4. (make wish)
Admin Control:
1. (settings)
2. (manage wish type)
3. (Edit Wish Type)
4. (Manage Wish)