Originally Posted by banuchi2
Will this work on vb 3.6
Read the features list
Originally Posted by memobug
I have probably done something wrong. However, I can't figure it out. I can see the top level of the download categories but when I browse into any of the categories I get a blank page.
The only thing I can think of is that your side panel template isnt working/showing up. The main page is run off of a vertical alignment, but the rest are run off of a standard header-sidebar-content alignment. This is all I can think of for the moment. If you know a little about php or even html try some testing and see if the side panel template is called. If you dont, try reinstalling the templates (dont need to wory about the others) but remember to uninstall first. I know i built it in to overwrite, but sometimes it doesnt work. If you still have problems, I will try to help you again so that you dont have to do a complete reinstall. I could just have you insert a couple echo statements in the category view.
Originally Posted by BrentWilson
No matter what I try it will not order my categories via what I put into the admincp Categories section... It is inseting it into the database but it is not sorting by what is in the database. Can anyone else confirm this?
I tried sorting by different things and didnt have that problem. If you want I will look at your setup and try it on your board... that might help me figure out whats wrong. On my demo board it works fine though.
Originally Posted by Juanito
I tried this but I still can't link urls, only works when I put in local "/directory/filename"...
But! I can upload files when they have no characters like "-" or "." in the filename... At least it starts to be funcionnal to me!
I dont think that a . in the filename would cause any problems, but a - might. I will go see what I do to linked files in a few minutes and try to fix it later today if I find any problems like that. Check back around 5-6pm.
Originally Posted by phreak420
what happens is that i click upload...everything works fine from what it looks like....it says file was uploaded...but then when u go to click on download file there is no file there...brings u to the error page...so then i go in...manually upload it through ftp...rename it to the name it gave me and then it works...but i would like it so that everybody can upload files not just me because i have ftp
I know your file uploads are supposedly going to the correct directory, but the only thing that could cause this problem that I have thought of is if you are uploading to a different directory. Double check that your settings are correct.
Originally Posted by rjordan
Minor modification request:
When clicking on the download button, can you make it so it opens the link in a new window?
Yes, i can do that. (or at least make it an option in settings)