I have probably done something wrong. However, I can't figure it out. I can see the top level of the download categories but when I browse into any of the categories I get a blank page.
1. I ran downloadinstall.php
2. I uploaded the files
3. I have made the required changes to the files and checked them.
4. I put the download directory under /forum like /forum/downloads
5. I have made the permissions changes
6. I created the cron job.
5. I can see and create categories and they show up when I browse the top level. I can see also phrases and templates
6. If I click any category nothing shows up, just a blank page.
I think it might have to do with the paths?
I tried leaving them as-is
and I tried putting in the correct absolute server path and http:// address to same. But the results weren't any different.
I think the instructions are a little vague on this point as they seem to use the terms "path" and "URL" interchangeably; asking for a "full path" and then specifying a relative path "./downloads/"; asking for a "web path" or URL and then specifying a relative path "./downloads/"