Originally Posted by Mr.ciuk
Thaks a lot for your great work....
Can i make something manually to reduce windows chat ???
Thanks !!!!

Go into your navbar template, or wherever you are calling vBChat from, and find the script that opens up the window. Replace that script with this one:
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function OpenvBChat(){
var ws = screen.width*0.8;
var hs = screen.height*0.7;
var winParms = "height=" + hs + ",width=" + ws + "directories=no,resizeable=yes,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no";
vBChat = window.open('vBChat.php?$session[sessionurl]','vBChat',winParms)
return false;
You can change the factors 0.8 and 0.7 I use, in the variables ws and hs to suite your needs. As it is now, it will create a window with 0.8 times the screen width and 0.7 times the screen height of your user's screen.