I have two more suggestions.
1- When you go to edit categories and you have multiple instances if a subcategory, it seems to group them together as so (pulled directly from my list):
Deathmatch Maps
Deathmatch Maps
Instant Action Maps
The Red Odyssey
Instant Action Maps
Strategy Maps
Strategy Maps
Off-Site Links
Can this be modified so that the subcategories are listed under the main in a fashion like so by adding dashes to the drop-down list for subcategories:
-- Deathmatch Maps
-- Instant Action Maps
-- Strategy Maps
-- Patches
-- Add-Ons
-- Mods
The Red Odyssey
-- Deathmatch Maps
-- Instant Action Maps
-- Strategy Maps
-- Patches
-- Add-Ons
-- Mods
Off-Site Links
This would make life so much easier for me when I have a gaming site and the same sub-category names for each game. Not to mention easily selecting any subcategory under the appropriate main category. I also noticed that when adding files, you get somewhat like the above, but the drop-down list is not ordered by how you have them set to be ordered.
2- Multiple (unlimited?) levels of sub-categories. Right now, you can have only one subcategory. In conjuntion with the above example, something like this:
-- Deathmatch Maps
-- Instant Action Maps
-- Strategy Maps
---- 2 Player Maps
---- 3 Player Maps
---- 4 Player Maps
-- Patches
---- Official
---- Unofficial
-- Add-Ons
-- Mods
---- Weapons
---- Ships
------ Tanks
------ Bombers
------ Turrets
Your thoughts?